About Us
About Us
Our vision
There are more than 1.3 billion people with disabilities in the world today. Although they are considered to be the world’s biggest minority, most of the global surrounding has not been made accessible to them. The simplest activity can become an insurmountable challenge: finding the way around a new shopping mall, visiting a museum, trying to get information at the bank or at a medical center, figuring out the best way to get somewhere using public transportation, and much more.
Although many technological solutions today aim to improve the life of people with disabilities, too often they provide only a very limited response.
Imagine if one simple technological solution could satisfy a wide variety of needs.
STOP-HEAR. There is no need to imagine anymore…
Who we are?
We are a subsidiary Company of “Mehalev”- “From the Heart” – the biggest accessibility provider in Israel with 20+ years of experience in accessibility solutions for a wide range of disabilities for thousands of clients. Our main focus at STEP-HEAR is developing accessible technological solutions for people with disabilities. STEP-HEAR LTD is Israel’s pioneer in creating orientation and guidance systems for the blind and visually impaired. STEP-HEAR ® solutions have been implemented since 2013, by thousands of service providers including banks, museums, retail shops, airports, and hospitals.
Our Goal- To make the environment safely and conveniently accessible for all.



STEP-HEAR Assistant
We inviting you to Join the STEP-HEAR Revolution for enabling a more Accessible service to All